Cross-cutting component


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The cross-cutting component project focuses on cross-cutting innovations in the seed systems of vegetatively propagated crops (VPCs) in Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda. The goal is to address common challenges faced by VPC seed systems through technological, marketing, and institutional innovations. Here are the key points:




The vision is to enhance the efficiency and volume of high-quality seed production for VPCs in Africa. The project aims to learn from previous experiences with specific VPCs (e.g., potato) and apply these lessons to create an integrated program of innovation research. This cross-cutting approach will generate research outputs that improve the overall efficiency of VPC seed systems in the target countries.


Cross-Cutting Technological Innovation:

  • Research will focus on improving tissue culture (TC) management processes, including contamination management, in collaboration with research and private sector TC labs.
  • The use of digital tools for lab process management and tracking will be piloted in labs, enhancing efficiency.
  • Smartphone apps using artificial intelligence for disease identification (Nuru and Tumaini) will be validated for use by seed regulatory officers.
  • Low-cost diagnostic tools for viruses and bacteria (LAMP, RPA, LFD) will be validated for use in minimally equipped laboratories.
  • ICT platforms for germplasm inventory management and distribution will be tested and upgraded.

Cross-Cutting Marketing Innovation:

  • Research will identify effective marketing techniques that have shared value for VPCs.
  • Studies will examine methods for raising awareness among farmers about the benefits of clean seed.
  • Digital marketing systems for seed will be reviewed, and e-commerce platforms will be explored.
  • Research will address logistical and transportation constraints in VPC seed delivery.

Cross-Cutting Institutional Innovation:

  • Strategies will be designed to increase access to improved VPC varieties for informal seed system actors.
  • Methods for quality-declared seed (QDS) and light-touch seed quality management will be consolidated and pilot-tested.
  • The Seed Tracker tool will be upgraded to cover all target VPCs and countries, supporting decentralized seed quality assurance.
  • Multi-VPC business models will be tested for financial feasibility and inclusivity.
  • Capacity development approaches for scaling VPC seed systems will be identified.

Cross-Cutting Theory of Change:

  • The project will focus on answering critical research questions to enhance technological, marketing, and institutional innovations.
  • Intermediate outcomes will include the application of improved technologies, strengthened marketing systems, and enhanced institutional arrangements in target countries.
  • The project aims to foster private sector involvement for organic scaling of VPC seed systems within countries, with wider Africa-wide impacts achieved through partnerships with advocacy organizations like AGRA and TAAT.

Gender Considerations:

  • Gender disparities in VPC seed systems will be addressed through a systematic approach.
  • The project will have a gender-balanced leadership team and gender specialists.
  • Gender research outputs will include guidelines for inclusive seed producer associations, gender-responsive tools, and reports on the effects of gender on seed business viability.
  • Gender-disaggregated data will be collected to monitor progress.

Finally, the cross-cutting component seeks to improve VPC seed systems in a cross-cutting manner, addressing common challenges and sharing innovations across different VPCs. The goal is to enhance efficiency, quality, and access to VPC seed, with a particular focus on gender equity and inclusivity in seed systems.

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