In rural Nigeria, where yam farming is a way of life, a group of women are driving a revolution. The PROSSIVA Method is changing how yam seeds are propagated and enhancing farming productivity and sustainability. This innovative approach boosts agricultural production and empowers women in the agricultural sector, which men have historically dominated.
To facilitate a paradigm shift, farmers participated in field demonstrations called PROSSIVA Trials, leading to the establishment of demo plots in two local government areas (LGAs) in Edo State.
The event took place in Amendokhian Uromi and Ilushi LGAs on 21 and 22 August and highlighted the Green Field Days of the demo trial, with farmers acknowledging the impact of the PROSSIVA project.
PROSSIVA Projects Lead Morufat Balogun praised the farmers’ efforts and contributions to the nation’s progress. She stated that PROSSIVA’s goal is to improve the farmers’ quality of life and open up new opportunities for increased revenue through seed production.
Aighewi corrected farmers’ practice of using their seeds from generation to generation, urging them to adopt the habit of using seeds for only a short period.
Partner organizations—Sahel Consulting and NASC—also provided instruction on market tactics, seed certification procedures, and data utilization in farm management.

A farmer from the Ilushi community, Christian Ogbaje, applauded the results of the new technology, particularly the harvest size. “Everyone in my community is coming to seek knowledge on the new seed yam,” she said.
“I had thought it would not do well because of the difference in timing, but I am impressed at the turnover,” said Pius Okon, State Yam Coordinator in the Uromi community. “Even some of the ones planted in the normal time did not produce as that of the one of IITA.”
The PROSSIVA Method is revolutionizing yam farming for rural Nigerian women. Its modern seed propagation strategy is an excellent example of how knowledge, imagination, and community participation can improve livelihoods and change agriculture, increasing food productivity and ensuring food security.